Biographical information

This is a (rather incomplete, and definitely hurried) collection of data derived from the series of Racine Business/City directories [RCity] at both the Racine Heritage Museum and the archives of UW-Parkside. In the case of a duplicate entry from a previous year, no new entry is made in this table. Quick to record with pen onto paper, but does not deal with the situation where no entry existed in the directory. For the most part, these are focused on the Gorton family, but some information about the Buffham and Tostenson family is also recorded. The below table lists content by:
1858 Buffham, William S. Painter 5th opposite. Racine House bds. Main bet 4th and 5th
1858 Gorton, George (Thorpe and Gorton) druggist 148 Main h. same (home)
1858 Gorton, Hugh (Gorton, Lovell & English) butcher 132 Main h. barn stable bet. 5th and 6th
1858 Gorton, James butcher bds. Racine House
1858 Gorton, Lovell & English Butchers 132 Main
1875 Gorton, Hugh res 65 Fifth
1875 Gorton, James res 55 Thirteenth
1875 Gorton, James Jr. Butcher at Gorton & Jones
1882 Buffham, Eliza (wid. Wm) res. 1165 13th St.
1882 Buffham, John painter, 401 main res. 104 5th
1882 Buffham, Louis clk (clerk) Gorton & Buffham res. 734 Chatham
1882 Buffham, Wm clk Gorton & Buffham res. 734 Chatham
1882 Buffham, Wm. S. clk Gorton & Buffham res. 734 Chatham
1882 Gorton, Annie res. 1165 13th St.
1882 Gorton Block It was a whole city block at the time n.e. corner 5th and main
1882 Gorton, Eliza (presumably the Eliza born in 1861) bookkpr Racine Basket Mfng Co. res. 1165 13th St.
1882 Gorton, George I (Gorton & Buffham) sec. and treas. Racine Basket Mfng Co. res. 1165 13th St.
1882 Gorton, George Jr George II clk. Racine Basket Mfng Co. res. 1165 13th St.
1882 Gorton, Henry lab. W.U. Ry(Western Union Railway) res. 1000 13th St.
1882 Gorton, Hugh Meat Market, 400 Main res. 311 5th
1882 Gorton, James res. 1000 13th
1882 Gorton, James W. Butcher, H. Gorton res. 813 Superior
1882 Gorton, Lizzie E., Miss Bookkpr, Hugh Gorton res. 311 5th
1882 Gorton, Minnie Milliner, M.T & J.E. Jones res. 1165 13th
1882 Gorton, Nellie L., Miss res 311 5th
1882 Gorton & Buffham (George and W.S.) Paints, Oils, Wall paper, etc. 401 Main
1883 Gorton & Buffham Paints, Oils and Varnishes 401 Main St.
1883 Buffham & Co. (Wm. S. and Thomas Dickinson) Mfrs carriage poles and shafts 1022 12th St.
1883 Gorton, Annie bookkeeper, Racine Basket 1165 13th St.
1883 Gorton, Hugh Butcher and packer bds. 1043 Lake ave
1883 Gorton, Isabell, wid. James res. 1000 13th
1883 Gorton, James, wid. James butcher res. 311 5th
1883 Gorton, Lizzie res. 1043 Lake
1883 Gorton, William H clerk bds. 1043 Lake
1885 Buffham, W.W (Gorton & Buffham) (Buffham & Co) V. Pres Racine Electric Lgt & Power Co. res. 704 Lake
1885 Gorton, George Jr.George II shipping clk
1885 Gorton, Henry machine hand
1885 Gorton, Hugh res. now 1043 Lake
1888 Gorton, Henry basket maker res. 1000 13th
1888 Gorton, Nellie res. 1043 Lake
1890 Gorton, Charles supt. RB Co res. 1165 13th
1890 Gorton, Elizabeth, wid. George res. 1165 13th
1890 Gorton, George mgr. Racine Basket res. 1165 13th
1890 Gorton, Henry emp, Racine Basket res. 1000 13th
1890 Gorton, Hugh Meat & Poultry, 401 Main res. 1043 Lake
1890 Gorton, Isabella, wid. James res 1000 13th
1890 Gorton, James W. Butcher Hugh Gorton res. 311 5th
1890 Gorton, Minnie bds 1165 13th
1890 Gorton, Nan, Miss bds 1165 13th
1894 Gorton, James W. James W. Gorton & Milton McCoy Meat Market, 400 Main
1895 Gorton, George Secy. R. B. Co.
1897 Gorton, Charles (Gorton & Graham) res. 1165 13th
1897 Gorton, George (Gorton & Graham) res. 1165 13th
1897 Gorton, Hugh capitalist res. 729 Main
1897 Gorton, Nellie res. 729 Main
1897 Gorton & Graham Machine Co. betw 13th and 14th
1897 Tostenson, Sophy tchr 2nd ward school res. 1045 franklin
1899 Gorton, Anne teacher 1165 13th
1899 Gorton, Augusta, widow James 830 Lake
1899 Gorton, Charles pres. Gorton & Lingsweiler 1165 13th
1899 Gorton, James W. (died 10 March, 1898 age 41) 1165 13th
1899 Gorton & Lingsweiler Co. Electro platers 433-437 Water
1902 George Gorton Machine Co.1895, cap $50K 1027 13th
1902 Gorton, Annie teacher, Winslow School 1165 13th
1902 Gorton, Augusta (wid. James) 830 Lake
1902 Gorton, Charles dealer in new 2nd hand machinery, 1023 13th 1165 13th
1902 Gorton, George pres, treas George Gorton Machine Co. 1045 Franklin
1902 George Gorton Machine Co. 1027 13th
1902 Gorton, Helen Dorothea, miss. 1165 13th
1902 Gorton, Hugh 729 Main
1902 Gorton, Hugh H. clk, 441 Main (AmExpCo) 830 Lake
1902 Gorton, Lizzie (wid. George) 1165 13th
1902 Gorton, Minnie, Miss 1165 13th
1902 Gorton, Nellie, Miss 729 Main
1904 Gorton, Helen Dorothea Asst Librarian Racine Public Library
1904 Gorton, Hugh W. clk AmExpCo
1906 Gorton, Charles draughtsman 924 Park
1906 Gorton, Anne res 1113 13th
1906 Gorton, Eliz. (wid. George) res 1113 13th
1906 Gorton, Helen Dorothea res 1113 13th
1912 Gorton, Augusta (widow James) 1511 Wisconsin
1912 Gorton, George II 1220 Park Ave
1912 Gorton, Hugh V. Pres First National Bank
1912 Gorton, Jeannette F clk 314 Main 1511 Wisconsin
1912 Gorton, William J clk Rac Sattley Co. 1511 Wisconsin
1914 Gorton, Hugh VP 1st Natl. Bank h 1020 College Ave.
1914 Gorton, Jeanette T trimmer 314 Main 1511 Wisconsin
1914 Gorton, Nell L., Miss trimmer 314 Main 1511 Wisconsin
1916 Gorton, Elizabeth (75) died April 9, 1914
1916 Gorton, Hugh (83) died April 3, 1914
1916 Gorton, Jane, wid. Hugh 1020 College Ave
1916 Gorton, William sales 1511 S. Wisconsin
1918 Gorton Hall, 809 S. Wisconsin
1918 Gorton Helen Dorothea cataloguer, pub. lib. 1113 13th
1918 Gorton, Hugo W. clk 205 6th 1511 S. Wisconsin
1918 Gorton, Jeanette mlnr milliner 1511 S. Wisconsin
1918 Gorton, Minnie hkpr housekeeper 1113 13th
1918 Gorton, William J. The Tire Shop 1511 S. Wisconsin
1920 Gorton, Augusta (wid. James W) 1340 S. Wisconsin
1920 Gorton, Hugh W. clk David R Johnson 831 College
1920 Gorton, George II 1220 Park Tel: 857
1920 Gorton, Jane (wid. Hugh) 715 S. Main
1920 Gorton, Jeanette trimmer Woods Millinery 1345 Wisconsin
1920 Gorton, Nellie 715 S. Main
1920 Gorton, S.TSophy
1920 Gorton, Wm J. The Tire Shop 1618 College tel: 2387
1921 Gorton, Anne 1113 13th
1921 Gorton, Augusta (wid. James) 908 S. Wisconsin
1921 Gorton, Florence I., Mrs. saleslady, Zahn D. G. Co. 908 S. Wisconsin
1921 Gorton, George II 1113 13th
1921 George Gorton Machine Co. 1107 13th tel 415
1921 Gorton Hall 805 S. Wisconsin
1921 Gorton, Helen Dorothea librarian 1113 13th
1921 Gorton, Hugh W (Florence I) clk 908 S. Wisconsin
1921 Gorton, Jane (wid Hugh) 715 S. Main
1921 Gorton, Minnie 1113 13th
1921 Gorton, Nell L. 715 S. Main
1921 Gorton, S.T.Sophy 1113 13th
1921 Gorton, Wm J. (Helen) slsmn salesman 1615 Park Ave.
1923 Gorton, Florence R.E.Beckus 1615 Park Ave.
1923 George Gorton Machine Co. tel: Jackson 415
1923 Gorton, George II 1107 13th
1923 Gorton, Hugh W (Florence) Se. Treas. Gorton Motor Sales tel. Jackson 3746 908 S. Wisconsin
1923 Gorton, Sophy T. 1107 13th
1923 Gorton, Wm J (Helen M) Pres Gorton Motor Sales tel Jackson 2819 1615 Park

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