We stayed at Deer Valley Ranch, Buena Vista, Co. up at
the Chalk Creek Cliffs. This is a series of slides from
activities based from there - a couple of jeep trips, a
picnic or two, skit night at the lodge, etc.
Jeep trips
Jeep trips: Unknown venues
Left to right? Two
different photos, but
scanned differently
Or right to left?
Jeep trips: "Around the block"
This trip starts at Deer Valley, up the valley to St. Elmo,
through Tincup, to Taylor Park Reservoir, then north up to State
Highway 82 (possibly past Pieplant Mill) and then Hw82 past
Twin Lakes, then back to Buena Vista and then Nathrop.
This particular trip was notable in the amount of dust that
got "eaten" - we were the third jeep of three, and the dirt/gravel
roads were rather dusty...
Jeep trips: Pride of the West
Pictures at Deer Valley
Time lapse at night
Rotation around Polaris
is notable